The Jampro calculators and Converters page is back again! Clicking on the links below will open another tab on your web browser. Please close the TAB to return to the main Jampro website.

- FM or TV System Gain-Loss Calculations
- Distance to Horizon & Beam Tilt
- HD Radio High-Level Combining
- HD Radio Interleaved or Different Height Antenna Bays
- ERP for FM or TV System Gain-Loss Calculations
- VSWR Calculations
- mV/m To dBu (signal) Calculations
- kW to dBk/dBk To kW Calculations
- Convert Distance Measurements
- Find Distance Between Cities
- Convert Weights
- Working With Wavelengths
- Loss Between Two Antennas
- Rigid Coax Helpers
- Convert Temperature
- Conversions, including filter/coax heat rise calculator
- Calorimetric Power Calibration
- Resistive Loss Pad
- STL Calculator
- TV Frequency Calculator
- Scientific Calculator
- Classic Slide Rule
- Elevation Calculator