The Jampro JLCP Low Power FM Antenna design is specifically for Omni-Directional low power applications. These include LPFM, Translators, and Booster stations.
Furthermore, the JLCP helix design’s simplicity gives low power stations the flexibility needed to meet their individual requirements. It also offers Stainless Steel Construction. Multiple bay/element orders include a stacking harness as standard.
Features of Low Power FM Antenna
- Radomes Available.
- Stainless Steel Construction.
- Optional special brackets available, contact factory.
- 500 Watts input Power option 1 & 2 kW (Provided for 2” Outside Diameter pole mount).
- Circularly polarized.
- Low maintenance.
- Easy to install.
- The JLCP is field tunable from 88 to 108 MHz.
- Also, the antenna features VSWR: 1.5:1 or better.
Finally, for more information, please call the Jampro team. Alternatively, outside normal working hours or because of a national holiday, please leave a message via the Contact us page. We will respond to you as soon as possible.