The JAMPRO JCPB-DA is an FM Directional Broadband Antenna. It also belongs to the PENETRATOR series, which has become an industry standard for quality and performance.
The directionality of the horizontal radiation pattern improves the horizontal reflecting element mounted on this side-mount antenna. Moreover, each bay consists of a PENETRATOR style radiating element. We include a galvanized steel mounting bracket to assure the product’s longevity. The standard round leg mounting brackets provide a uniform tower face. Each antenna kit consists of these brackets as standard.
Furthermore, each dipole manufacturer uses stainless steel and silver-plated inner conductor connectors. Their use throughout the antenna system also ensures maximum contact life and minimizes power loss.
JCPB-DA Primary Features:
- Dipole Power rating 2.0kW (JCPB-M) | 5kW (JCPB-H)
- Ideal for broadband & multi-frequency applications
- Excellent VSWR & bandwidth without field tuning
- Circular polarization
- DC ground at each bay & balun radomes were also available.
Electrical Specifications of FM Directional Broadband Antenna
- Frequency Band II 87.5-108 MHz
- Circularity 2.0 dB (Free Space)
- Polarization Circular
- Impedance 50 ohm
- VSWR 1.25:1
Finally, for more information, please call the Jampro team. When outside regular working hours or on national holidays, please go to the contact us page and leave a message. We will respond to you as soon as possible.